06-30-16 – Final Regs Issued by DIR

These approved regs were posted today by DIR….


A REGULATION relating to industrial insurance; establishing guidelines for the acceptance of ratings for permanent physical impairment and rulings on claims for reimbursement from the Subsequent Injury Account for Private Carriers; establishing requirements for service of certain documents on or by a claimant; establishing certain methods of proving an employer’s knowledge of an employee’s preexisting permanent physical impairment; establishing guidelines for determining a permanent physical impairment; providing for the reimbursement of certain benefits paid in the form of a lump sum; providing for the reimbursement of certain benefits paid by an annuity; revising provisions relating to the maintenance of files for claims; authorizing the Administrator of the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry to refuse to process incomplete claims and to obtain additional information; identifying expenditures which may be eligible for reimbursement from the Subsequent Injury Account for Private Carriers; extending the time in which the Administrator will examine and provide a disposition of a claim; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


A REGULATION relating to industrial insurance; revising provisions relating to determinations of percentage of impairment for preexisting industrial injuries or occupational diseases; repealing certain provisions relating to affidavits of businesses concerning industrial insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

For questions, the contact person is:
Michael J. Brook, Manager, Education, Research & Analysis Unit
Workers’ Compensation Section, NV Division of Industrial Relations
(702) 486-9186