Author Archives: nvos

6/29/2017- WCS Medical Unit Training Opportunity

Dear NVOS Members,

I assume you are all on this mailing list, but just in case…



State of Nevada Workers’ Compensation Section

Workers’ Compensation Medical Training Classes

The State of Nevada Workers’ Compensation Section Medical Unit will be teaching two classes on Wednesday, July 12, 2017.  Health care providers and their staff are the targeted audience. Due to limited seating for both classes, registration is required.  There is no charge for the WCS trainings and all training materials will be provided.

July 12, 2017  9:30 am – 11:00 am

The C-4 Claim process and Using the Coverage Verification Service. Make sure your health care provider or facility does not get stuck with workers’ comp claims (C-4s) that have nowhere to go. This class details the process for verifying worker’s compensation insurance coverage and how to use available tools to expedite that process.

July 12, 2017   1:30 pm – 4 pm

Medical Billing can be tricky. Some have compared it to rocket science, but we’ll demystify it for you to get workers’ comp bills paid in a timely manner. Third-Party Administrators, and their staff, are encouraged to attend. This class is focused on functional applicability.


Henderson   – 1301 North Green Valley Parkway, Suite 130, Henderson, Nevada 89015

Carson City,  – 400 W. King Street, Carson City, Nevada 89703 via video conference to the Workers’ Compensation Conference Room


Henderson – Contact Kristine Garcia at or (702) 486-9103

Carson City – Kimberly Williams at or  (775) 684-7265

Due to limited seating for both classes, registration is required. If you have further questions, please contact Katherine Godwin, RN at There is no charge for the WCS trainings and all training materials will be provided. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Pursuant to U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Enforcement Guidance: Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Number 915.002, 10/17/00, persons with disabilities who require special accommodations or assistance are required to notify our offices in writing, via fax, email or to the address listed above. Please submit all requests at least three (3) days before the training.