Author Archives: nvos

6/26/2017- End-of-Session Report from the 2017 Legislature

Dear NVOS Members,

Here is the end-of-session report compiled by your government affairs team at McDonald Carano.

NVOS End of 2017 Session Report

As you can see from the detail, 2017 was a complicated, fast-moving session with numerous bills that may impact your practice environment.    Please share this report with your practice management staff, as many of the issues impact the business side of your practices.

Because Nevada’s legislature meets only biennially, significant policy and regulatory work takes place during the interim between sessions.    As detailed in this report, a number of the bills passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor will now precipitate regulatory work.  In addition, there will be a new Advisory Committee on Medicaid Innovation and a study of the possibilities for designing a “Medicaid-like” plan to be offered on the HIX for patients otherwise not eligible for Medicaid.  Finally, the interim Legislative Committee on Health Care will meet and develop its bill draft requests for the 2019 session.

Against this backdrop, political fundraising for races ranging from Congress and the Senate to the Governor, all constitutional officers, all Assembly member and a number of state Senators will commence shortly.    These policy and election activities provide an opportunity to continue to position NVOS with legislators as we work to protect your interests and those of your patients.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the report.  My number is in the signature line below.



Kathleen A. Conaboy | Vice President

McDonald Carano

100 West Liberty Street | Tenth Floor
Reno, NV 89501

P: 775.846.3110