
Orthopaedic Membership

Download Member Application (pdf)  2025 Membership Application

Please complete the membership application and return it, along with your dues payment to:
6005 Plumas St., Ste 103
Reno, NV 89519
Phone: (775) 825-6788
Fax: (775) 825-0785

* Please make check for dues payable to Nevada Orthopaedic Society
* Please make checks for BonePAC payable to NVOS BonePAC

For questions concerning membership, please contact (775) 825-6788.

Pay Your Membership Dues Online

Click Here to Pay

Active Member: $500

Active Member: $500 (Multiple Members)

Associate Member: $500

Retired Member: $150

Affiliate Member: $150

Membership Categories

Full Members
Full members shall be physicians of good moral character, who have demonstrated continued adherence to the principles of medical ethics of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Each full member of this Corporation shall be physicians, licensed to practice medicine in the State of Nevada, who are fellows of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Associate Members
Associate members shall be physicians of good moral character, who have demonstrated continued adherence to the principles of medical ethics of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Associate members shall be physicians licensed to practice medicine in the state of Nevada and candidates or fellows of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, but as yet not fellows of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Associate members shall have all privileges of the Corporation except the right to serve as an officer. As soon as diplomats of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery become fellows of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, they will automatically become full members of the Corporation.

Honorary Members
Honorary membership may be granted to former members who have retired from the active practice of medicine or to outstanding orthopaedic surgeons whom the Corporation wishes to so honor.

Affiliate Members
The Board may, as it deems appropriate, invite certain classes of professionals associated with the delivery of high quality orthopaedic care and the efficient management of orthopaedic practices to join the Nevada Orthopaedic Society as Affiliate members. These affiliate members shall pay dues at an amount set by the Board, but will not have voting rights. Termination or suspension of such memberships will be handled as described in this document relative to Full and Associate members.